Fun Things to do in the winter

Hi welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to talk about fun things to do in the winter.

1. Playing Hockey

Hockey is my favourite sport and really my favourite thing. It is really fun to score a goal or get adrenaline when you get the puck so you go faster and get on a breakaway. I find that when I am skating hard in a game to get on a breakaway I don’t even get tired, I just focus on scoring. Plus hockey is a great team game and it is fun to be with the team travelling around which we unfortunately cant do this year.

The NHL's Most Valuable Teams

2. Skiing and snowboarding

I have never snowboarded before but I want to and I have skied before and it is really fun. This winter I went cross country skiing and the first 2 times it wasn’t that fun but then I got shorter poles that fit me and then it was fun. I like downhill skiing more though. I went downhill skiing in Stony Mountain last year and it was really fun. I like doing jumps on the ramps there.

Triple-I Blog | How Insurance Covers Skiing Accidents

3. Building stuff out of snow

I like building snow forts sometimes, and this year after I shoveled our trampoline there was a massive snow pile at the entrance, but I never built a full fort yet. It is fun to make one with a secret entrance and then other people don’t know how to get in, and it is also fun to have a snow fight with your base and another person’s base.

Snow fort - Wikipedia

4. Sled Racing

Here in Arborg you cant sled race because the hill we have isn’t big enough, although it is pretty big, but in Hecla beside the resort there is a huge hill that you can race down and it is really fun. I like sledding when I have fast sleds, because then you really have fun. I tried to make a ramp this year but I plowed right through it because the ramp wasn’t strong enough, but if I ever find or make a better ramp it would be fun to jump.

Sledding Safety - National Safety Council

5. Read a book

When it is too cold outside to do anything you can just sit inside and read a book. Some books I read are kind of boring but what you have to do to make it not boring is find your reading level and then it is really fun to read. Sometimes at school they look at your reading level, but they look at how good you can read, not what interests you. So if you can read words at high school level, you might be better with language but you wont have as much fun as reading at your level.

The 12 Most Impactful Books to Read in 2018 | Inc.com6. Snowmobiling

Snowmobiling is really fun, and besides hockey it is my most favourite winter thing to do. I love driving around in the snow. It is also really fun to get some air. Another good part about snowmobiling is that you can go for a long time until you run out of gas, and then you can fill it up again.

Snowmobile Rentals - Snowmobiling Rentals Ontario - Snowmobile for Rent

Thanks for reading, put what you like to do in the winter down in the comments. Here is a link to the NHL website  

and here is a link to my friend Jayden’s blog. Be sure to check it out because he has really cool posts on there.               


3 thoughts on “Fun Things to do in the winter

  1. I totally agree with all your reasons and activities are really good I wanna go snowboarding too and skiing is very fun!

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